15 Ocak 2012 Pazar

Bio-Relativity Meditation for Gaia.

Bio-Relativity Meditation for Gaia 6 pm daily

Please Prepare Yourself and Ground Your Energies Into The Earth A Minute Or Two Prior to Starting This Healing Meditation. Relax and close your eyes, ground your root chakra (1st chakra starting at the end of your spine). Visualize a grounding cord from the base of your spine that goes through the floor down into the earth all the way to her crystalline core to the center of our Earth Mother.

Then, when you are grounded, Visualize a healing Beam of Light (which will come from the Great Central Sun through your crown chakra (top of your head) going through your body and into our Earth Mother all the way to her crystalline core.

This healing light will continue flowing through you into our Earth Mother throughout the entire 5 minutes. secondly, project from your third eye (6th chakra middle of your forehead) a healing beam of light into our Earth Mother's Ring of Ascension (a ring around her middle much like other planets have, so many rings it appears as an entire sphere) which will heal any cracks in her energy field/biosphere and sends love through her. Lastly, send balance and love up to the ring of ascension then back down into Mother Earth's core. Metatron has activated the Ring of Ascension late July, so now, it acts and serves as a Medium for our thoughts we send it like balance, which is very important at this time. The New addition to the meditation is: The Iskalia Mirror which is approximately 1 mile in diameter above the North Pole. We will visualize it harnessing the Great Central Sun, and thought project this loving energy to encompass the entire planet, and infuse all of the planetary cities of light and sacred spots around the planet. This will prove to be a powerful healing for our Earth Mother and you receive a healing in the process. Thought Projection/Loving Intent is so very powerful, and especially when done by a group.

Thank you so much for understanding how important this is and making a soul decision to help and participate. This meditation is a Bio-Relativity Meditation so that is also a valuable tool that you have learned and to have and know as healers. Here is a time converter site: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

About the Iskalia Mirror:

The Iskalia Mirror is a holographic etheric mirror located approx 18,000 miles about the North Pole and is directly in alignment with the Central Sun. There is tremendous light from the Central Sun coming to our planet at this time but much of this is undifferentiated, meaning it is unintelligible to the normal states of consciousness and difficult to process. The Iskalia Mirror offers a way of processing this light, bringing it into our consciousness so that it can activate us on the deepest levels of our being.

Bio-relativity is a termed used by The Arcturians and described in David K. Miller ’s book Teachings from the Sacred Triangle. http://www.cybertrails.com/groupofforty/ We have talked about Bio-relativity in several articles however; the following description is a wonderful recap:

“Bio-relativity focuses on group thoughts working together telepathically to send healing energy to our planet. The practice is similar to the concept of group prayer in which people are sending positive thoughts to change the outcome of an event. In bio-relativity exercises, groups of starseeds around the planet send healing thoughts to specific areas in the world. Storms, hurricanes, and even earthquakes can potentially be averted, deterred, or lessened in strength so that minimal damage is inflicted. The Arcturians point out that on higher planetary systems, groups continually interact telepathically with their planet to ensure maximum harmony between the inhabitants and the planetary forces.”

The Iskalia Mirror allows us to focus the undifferentiated light of the central sun to specific areas of the planet through group bio-relativity exercises or meditations. In order for this to be effective, there must be a congruent alignment between your mind (intention) the mirror and the central sun.

The technology of the Iskalia Mirror works on three specific principles:

· Magnification – is the effect of everyone focusing his or her attention on a specific event? If you are looking at an event through a mirror, it is like a microscope.

· Acceleration – you can affect great change from an accelerated state of consciousness, and onnecting to the mirror accelerates consciousness like connecting to power spots on the earth.

· Decoding – takes the magnificent light of the central sun and “decodes” into a more usable form that we can process. The light frequency from the central sun has never been on our planet in this intensity before. It can great change when focused.

Each day the light frequency from the Central Sun is increasing upon our planet. We used to gage our energy based on each month, but now it is much more of a daily or weekly gage. One of our soul mission’s is to connect and utilize the Central Sun light. It is a fundamental step in our personal and planetary ascension. For several years, we have talked about how this light is helping us heal our wounds, increase our consciousness, and move us exponentially along our path.

One of the tenants of quantum physics is that the mere observation of an event affects the outcome. This is due to the energy being “emitted” buy the observer – or more simply your intention, even if you think your aren’t partial in any particular way. The idea of quantum physics that is relevant to Bio-relativity is that you are an observer and that you are inter-acting, with an ability to influence the outcome.

You may ask, “What does all of this mean”? Simply put we can come together as groups, utilizing our ability to telepathically thought project, connect to a spiritual device like the Iskalia Mirror and by aligning the mirror with a specific event, and observing “through the mirror” affect change.

For the past year I have been hosting monthly meditations using my telephone conference line to all those aligned with this information to come together and utilize these principles. I will continue to offer these meditations and for those interested in participating, there will be information at the end of this article.

When we think about the light of Central Sun and how important it is to connect and align with this luminescent light we become aware that there is already an established group of beings on our planet who are intimately aligned to this light. That group is our beloved Whales & Dolphins. These amazing beings use their sounds and tones like a “tuning fork,” connecting them with this light. They in turn decode and transmit that light upon our planet and play an integral part in our planetary ascension, as they have for many other planets as well.

We have talked over the past month how difficult this ability is becoming for our beloved dolphins and whales due to toxins and pollution in there environment. Nonetheless, they are continuing to teach and support us in ways to accelerate our energy outcomes on our beloved Mother Earth.

The light of the Central Sun continues to “talk” to the Earth daily. Some see this in the myriad of crop circles, earth changes, and quality of “light” upon our planet. September’s energy will continue to manifest intense earth changes upon our planet – I don’t think anyone will be surprised by that.

What is a variable in September’s energy is the degree of emotion that the earth changes create. If you can image seeing your home burned to the ground, or waiting to ride out a class 5 hurricane, or feeling the earth move beneath your feet – then we can understand the level of intense emotion that is created. This emotion becomes part of the collective and actually can feed the intensity of the earth changes. For a spiritual perspective this could be seen as a “cleansing,” however the degree of the emotion changes how all of us feel upon the planet. There is no escaping the fact that we are all intimately connected and the resonance of emotional energy affects our daily lives.

We have a profound opportunity in the face of September’s energy to utilize the Iskalia Mirror and tools like it to support our personal and collective journey.

During the month of September, we will experience the fall equinox in the northern hemisphere and the spring equinox in the southern hemisphere. I have written about the significance of these timings for years. During the coming equinox and in the weeks leading up to it – you can unite in small groups.Once you have connected whether it is in person or over the phone or telepathically at a set time, direct your awareness to the area “above” the Iskalia Mirror. See your group joined in a circle and collectively intend to align the mirror with a specific event – i.e. the eye of a hurricane. With the mirror now focusing the powerful intelligent light of the central sun, “observe” the event changing. If you were watching the “eye” of a hurricane like the images shown on TV, then see it slow its winds, calm or diffuse its energy. You might see it change colour.

In the case of floods or fire, you would use the same technique, simply change the intention based on the situation at hand. There is a tremendous creative intelligence within all of these events, and we are simply attempting to mitigate the damage and create harmony.

There is much we can do together to support this amazing time on our beloved Mother Earth. Each of us have gifts that are needed to support this fantastic timing. The energy demands upon our physical body will continue to escalate over the coming weeks. Again, we have discussed those symptoms often and I won’t repeat the obvious. One of the most common “symptoms” most of us are coping with is lack of sleep. Our sleep patterns are being interrupted for a variety of reasons and our body then struggles to maintain the status quo. Deep stages of sleep are needed in order for our body to complete the cellular repair needed daily. Many of us feel tired but either can’t sleep, or awaken with a start in the middle of night and then it seems like forever to fall back asleep. For others you think you have slept but awaken feeling fatigued and disconnected.

There are no hard and fast rules when dealing with our bodies in this energy. I have certainly learned over the past several months with my own health challenges, that what worked 2 years ago doesn’t necessarily have the same affect now. It is important to follow your intuition and

During the month of September we will feel intense energy as the Earth continues her process, it will ebb and flow as energy naturally does, but will feel high pitched for the majority of the month. Staying softly grounded and working with the Iskalia Mirror will be a calming experience and a great service to our beloved Mother Earth.

In the next few days, I am preparing to travel to New Zealand and Australia to attend workshops hosted by David Miller and The Arcturians. http://www.cybertrails.com/groupofforty/ I will be lecturing on working with bio-relativity techniques and our beloved whales & dolphins. I am excited to finally travel to the Southern Hemisphere, something I have wanted to do for several years. I will share next month my experiences from these magical places.

Love and Deep Blessings,


© Shala Mata 2007
